Today is a new day in my story

Life is filled with a myriad of endings and beginnings. Today I may find myself at the start of a new chapter, or on the last pages of one I have been working to complete for a long time. No matter where I am in the story, I may wonder if the tale is unfolding as it should.

I bookmark where I am in this moment. I breathe in unlimited possibilities before me, trusting that divine guidance is as close as my next heartbeat, knowing I can feel within for the answers to life’s questions, I exhale, releasing all it took to get me to this time and space, grateful for the journey I have taken. No matter what the narrative has been, I know the pages ahead are yet to be written. God is my Source, the pen is in my hand, and a new day is dawning for me.


The Hands of Faith Holistic Healing Centers into a peaceful retreat that offers a variety of healing modalities including, Naturopathy, Digestive Health/Enzyme Nutrition, Therapeutic Massage, and Energy Healing. We specialize in Detoxification/Anti-aging issues, and will work with any patient who is looking to optimize their health and get to the bottom on their chronic illness. Whether you are seeking help with a specific condition or unexplained symptoms, we will provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan to return you to optimal health. We would be honored if you would allow us to assist you along your healing journey.

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