8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace

 “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” –Albert Einstein Peace of mind transpires and thrives when you let go of the things that limit your growth and happiness. You work for this peace every time you give up… 1.  Old regrets and excuses. You can’t always choose what happensContinue reading “8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace”

9 Powerful Ways to Spend a Day

All the time given to you in life is valuable; you just have to know what to do with it.  Let’s make it count.  Shall we? Starting today, spend more time… 1.  Thinking for yourself. The uneducated belief in something false that someone tells you is the greatest enemy of your own truth.  Do notContinue reading “9 Powerful Ways to Spend a Day”