Handling Stress & Building Immunity!

10 Natural Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate – Easy Ways to Manage Stress and Build Immunity Protecting the immune system and managing stress are vital aspects of living longer, feeling younger, and being healthy. Here are 10 ways to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and slow down the hands of time. Physical activity. RegularContinue reading “Handling Stress & Building Immunity!”

Detox Days – Internal Spring Cleaning

Spring marks a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and restoration. Buds burst from the soil. Birds build nests. Children rediscover the outdoors. And adults celebrate the season by cleaning and uncluttering their surroundings. This year, along with tidying the garage, attic, and basement, consider freshening your internal system with a detox diet. While detox diets mayContinue reading “Detox Days – Internal Spring Cleaning”

8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace

 “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” –Albert Einstein Peace of mind transpires and thrives when you let go of the things that limit your growth and happiness. You work for this peace every time you give up… 1.  Old regrets and excuses. You can’t always choose what happensContinue reading “8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace”

9 Powerful Ways to Spend a Day

All the time given to you in life is valuable; you just have to know what to do with it.  Let’s make it count.  Shall we? Starting today, spend more time… 1.  Thinking for yourself. The uneducated belief in something false that someone tells you is the greatest enemy of your own truth.  Do notContinue reading “9 Powerful Ways to Spend a Day”

The Benefits of Frequent Massage A Powerful Health Ally

As I often see people in the grocery store using their carts as a lower back pain relief tools, I just had to Blog post this article published today on Massagetherapy.com There’s no denying the power of bodywork. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek itContinue reading “The Benefits of Frequent Massage A Powerful Health Ally”

Lose Weight with a Good Night’s Sleep – Ten Tips for Sweet Slumber

From premature aging to a compromised immune system, the side-effects of sleepless nights can add up, according to Barbara Harris, editor-in-chief of Shape magazine and author of Shape Your Life: 4 Weeks To A Better Body — And A Better Life! (Hay House, 2002). During her more than 15 years at the helm of ShapeContinue reading “Lose Weight with a Good Night’s Sleep – Ten Tips for Sweet Slumber”

Soul Compliance – Learning From the Body’s Lessons

To the ancient Greeks, every physical symptom was seen as a visitation from the gods. Whatever afflicted the body was divine, a holy messenger, a whispered secret from the guardian spirits alerting us that the soul was in need of a course correction. The ailments of the body were really cures for the soul. AndContinue reading “Soul Compliance – Learning From the Body’s Lessons”

The Nocebo Effect: How Negative Thoughts Can Harm Your Health

Most of us have heard of “the placebo effect”—the heal-inducing effect patients in clinical trials experience when they believe they’re getting a fancy new drug or surgery but are actually getting fake treatment. The placebo effect is real. It works about eighteen to eighty percent of the time, and it’s not just in your head—itContinue reading “The Nocebo Effect: How Negative Thoughts Can Harm Your Health”

MASSAGE MEDICINE:™ Healing Mind, Body & Spirit

Moving Through Life We’re busier than ever with longer workdays, less leisure time, shorter lunch hours, longer commutes, and more demands than ever before. We may even be in a job that doesn’t fulfill us, yet we spend most of our time there. When the day ends, we have almost no energy left to doContinue reading “MASSAGE MEDICINE:™ Healing Mind, Body & Spirit”

Begin this year with your best self . . .

As we enter the first full week of 2013, let us do so without dragging our worries, fears and baggage from last year along with us. Instead, let us declare affirmatively that it is finally time to overcome those dreadful habits. The following link will provide you with some excellent tips to get you startedContinue reading “Begin this year with your best self . . .”