Handling Stress & Building Immunity!

10 Natural Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate – Easy Ways to Manage Stress and Build Immunity Protecting the immune system and managing stress are vital aspects of living longer, feeling younger, and being healthy. Here are 10 ways to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and slow down the hands of time. Physical activity. RegularContinue reading “Handling Stress & Building Immunity!”

Soul Compliance – Learning From the Body’s Lessons

To the ancient Greeks, every physical symptom was seen as a visitation from the gods. Whatever afflicted the body was divine, a holy messenger, a whispered secret from the guardian spirits alerting us that the soul was in need of a course correction. The ailments of the body were really cures for the soul. AndContinue reading “Soul Compliance – Learning From the Body’s Lessons”

Herbs & Aromatherapy for Pain

Pain is an unpleasant reality for many people. From the healthiest to the unhealthiest, we all find ourselves in pain’s grip at one time or another. Whether your pain is self-inflicted from exuberant weekend warrior syndrome, brought on by the stresses of today’s world, or a symptom of serious disease or physical states, there areContinue reading “Herbs & Aromatherapy for Pain”

The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research

True or false: massage after exercise assists in the removal of lactic acid. Answer: false. The research overwhelming refutes this commonly held and frequently exclaimed belief. The lactic acid debate has raged for a century, and for the past two decades the research consistently demonstrates that blood lactate will return to normal within 20-60 minutesContinue reading “The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research”

Five Signals that Your Full Potential is Calling

The greatest opportunity we have in life is discovering what we’re meant to do—and then doing it. For me, there’s no greater feeling than being awake, alive, and impassioned, fearlessly contributing my gifts to the world so that in every step I take forward, others take a step forward too. I help people claim theContinue reading “Five Signals that Your Full Potential is Calling”

Do it Yourself Trigger Point (a/k/a Muscle Knot) Therapy

If you’ve ever received professional trigger point therapy, you may be baffled at how it works. A therapist explores painful areas on the body with fingertips, searching for sore, tender trigger points. Once the trigger point is found, the therapist applies pressure with fingers, knuckles, or an elbow for about seven seconds. At first, clientsContinue reading “Do it Yourself Trigger Point (a/k/a Muscle Knot) Therapy”

Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork

These are uncertain and unsettling times. It’s not just what is played out in the theater of world politics but the very nature of modern life with its ever-present shadow of uncertainty and threat that has produced a continuous low-grade “fight-or-flight” anxiety as the basal pulse of our normal human condition. Psychologist Miriam Greenspan describesContinue reading “Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork”

The Body-Mind Connection: Part One

Heal the mind, heal the body. Heal the body, heal the mind.  We have all heard of the mind-body connection and how our thoughts affect the health of our body. It is true that our thoughts and beliefs are extremely powerful and can affect our body in many ways. But the reverse is also true:Continue reading “The Body-Mind Connection: Part One”

Knee Deep in Pain – Promising Results for Treating Osteoarthritis

One of the most disabling chronic conditions for Americans is osteoarthritis. This slowly progressive degenerative disease is said to cause more physical limitation in adults than the diabetes and heart and lung diseases we see topping the health news these days (from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).1 Knee and hip joint replacements are nowContinue reading “Knee Deep in Pain – Promising Results for Treating Osteoarthritis”

Baby Your Back Pain with Massage!

Anyone with recurring, unyielding back problems knows the beast that is called back pain. While most of us have experienced back pain that comes from overexertion or muscle pulls, the effects of back pain for many can be debilitating, excruciating, and life changing. Experts say back pain accounts for $100 billion in lost productivity andContinue reading “Baby Your Back Pain with Massage!”