Our Wellness Rx For You!!

Wellness includes feelings of self-worth and a belief that change is possible. Let’s see how you are feeling about your life today. Please click the following link and take the short quiz to find out http://www.positivityratio.com/single.php As we embark on our Wellness Journey this year, let us do so with a renewed vigor, passion andContinue reading “Our Wellness Rx For You!!”

Detox Days – Internal Spring Cleaning

Spring marks a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and restoration. Buds burst from the soil. Birds build nests. Children rediscover the outdoors. And adults celebrate the season by cleaning and uncluttering their surroundings. This year, along with tidying the garage, attic, and basement, consider freshening your internal system with a detox diet. While detox diets mayContinue reading “Detox Days – Internal Spring Cleaning”

Grief and Degrief, Part 1 – Finding the Way Back

On the eleventh day of September, 2001, I awoke to a crisp northern New York state morning, the best of blue skies and an audible fall crunch in the air. I am New York City-born, so I remember those fall days well. I was in Rochester, N.Y., to present my work on the “somatic aspects”Continue reading “Grief and Degrief, Part 1 – Finding the Way Back”

Spa Parties – Indulge in Well-being

Instead of hosting a get-together where guests are checking their watches, throw one that will have them begging to stay. One surefire way to spoil them is with a spa party. Imagine inviting 10 to 15 of your closest friends to experience a luxurious day of pampering at a day spa, or even having themContinue reading “Spa Parties – Indulge in Well-being”

Candle Cautions – Healthy Alternatives to Paraffin

Last year, while rearranging the paintings in her living room, Cathy Crystal noticed black smudges on the walls around the frames. Baffled, she looked around and discovered similar “ghostings” surrounding the electrical outlets and air conditioning vents. “We don’t allow smoking in our house, and we have a vent over the stove,” recalls the herbalistContinue reading “Candle Cautions – Healthy Alternatives to Paraffin”

The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research

True or false: massage after exercise assists in the removal of lactic acid. Answer: false. The research overwhelming refutes this commonly held and frequently exclaimed belief. The lactic acid debate has raged for a century, and for the past two decades the research consistently demonstrates that blood lactate will return to normal within 20-60 minutesContinue reading “The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research”

Fragrance of the Gods – Rose Heaven For Skin and Soul

For thousands of years, roses have been symbols of love, beauty, and spirit. They have also been used as universal healers in oil, water, and tea, as well as a flavoring and food. Once considered the “fragrance of the gods” in ancient Egypt, roses have a history that can be traced to Persia, Babylon, andContinue reading “Fragrance of the Gods – Rose Heaven For Skin and Soul”

Summer’s Natural/Alternative Medicine Chest

Summer has arrived, meaning everyone’s spending more time outdoors hiking, biking, swimming, gardening, and traveling. However, sunburn, bug bites, and motion sickness often go hand-in-hand with these seasonal activities. Below are several natural remedies to help ease those acute issues and get on with enjoying the pleasures of summertime. Sunburn Aloe (Aloe vera), applied topically,Continue reading “Summer’s Natural/Alternative Medicine Chest”

Indian Head Massage – Ancient Ayurvedic Technique for Modern-day Problems

For 5,000 years, head massage has been a part of India’s rich culture. It’s held a special place both in the “kitchen table wisdom” of local Hindu mothers and in the medical bag of ayurvedic physicians. Now making its way to the West, this seemingly simple health technique is finding new “disciples” eager to useContinue reading “Indian Head Massage – Ancient Ayurvedic Technique for Modern-day Problems”

The Visible Effects of Stress – Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind

Eons ago, back when evading predators and foraging for food were humankind’s main activities, stress was essential to survival. The body’s fight-or-flight response to stress in the face of danger set off a chain reaction of physiological changes, priming the body for action and increasing the likelihood of escaping physical harm. These days stress isContinue reading “The Visible Effects of Stress – Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind”