Our Wellness Rx For You!!

Wellness includes feelings of self-worth and a belief that change is possible. Let’s see how you are feeling about your life today. Please click the following link and take the short quiz to find out http://www.positivityratio.com/single.php As we embark on our Wellness Journey this year, let us do so with a renewed vigor, passion andContinue reading “Our Wellness Rx For You!!”

Soothing the Season – Natural Remedies to Ease Holiday Stress

As the holiday season approaches, your task list may begin to overwhelm you. There are office parties, social engagements, gift buying, children’s recitals, holiday meals, travel, and financial decisions — all tapping on your shoulder and demanding attention. Where do you begin? “We have to resist the speediness around us,” says Hyla Cass, M.D., coauthorContinue reading “Soothing the Season – Natural Remedies to Ease Holiday Stress”

Reiki, Simple and Profound – A Balancing Practice for Client and Therapist

What is reiki, how does it work, and how can it benefit bodywork practitioners, both personally and professionally? The concept for this article began with a newly published book, written by reiki master Pamela Miles, simply titled Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide. I had collaborated with Miles a few years back when reporting on a reikiContinue reading “Reiki, Simple and Profound – A Balancing Practice for Client and Therapist”

Flower Essences – Bouquets of Emotional and Life Path Support

The harmonizing and healing properties of flowers have been acknowledged and utilized throughout history. The ancient Egyptians as well as the Australian Aboriginals made use of flowers to heal the emotions. In the 16th century, Paracelsus described collecting dew from flowering plants, diluting it and using this essence to treat various disorders. Now, in theContinue reading “Flower Essences – Bouquets of Emotional and Life Path Support”

Free to be Happy – Flower Essences Ease the Mind and Rejuvenate the Spirit

Homeopathy is a wellness practice based on the idea that like cures like. For example, if you were experiencing symptoms of a sinus infection, you would take a remedy that contains traces of a particular substance that, when taken at full strength, mimics your symptoms. However, the remedy is so diluted it will simply signalContinue reading “Free to be Happy – Flower Essences Ease the Mind and Rejuvenate the Spirit”

Energy Work – Energy Healing

Energy healing is often discussed as a new, somewhat unexplainable therapy. Truth is, energy work is an effective bodywork that is as ancient as healing itself. The body is, after all, bioenergetic and seeks to maintain balance. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, called the body’s natural capacity to heal itself vis medicatrix naturae —Continue reading “Energy Work – Energy Healing”

Herbs & Aromatherapy for Pain

Pain is an unpleasant reality for many people. From the healthiest to the unhealthiest, we all find ourselves in pain’s grip at one time or another. Whether your pain is self-inflicted from exuberant weekend warrior syndrome, brought on by the stresses of today’s world, or a symptom of serious disease or physical states, there areContinue reading “Herbs & Aromatherapy for Pain”

Energy Work – Energy Healing

Energy healing is often discussed as a new, somewhat unexplainable therapy. Truth is, energy work is an effective bodywork that is as ancient as healing itself. The body is, after all, bioenergetic and seeks to maintain balance. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, called the body’s natural capacity to heal itself vis medicatrix naturae —Continue reading “Energy Work – Energy Healing”

Summer’s Natural/Alternative Medicine Chest

Summer has arrived, meaning everyone’s spending more time outdoors hiking, biking, swimming, gardening, and traveling. However, sunburn, bug bites, and motion sickness often go hand-in-hand with these seasonal activities. Below are several natural remedies to help ease those acute issues and get on with enjoying the pleasures of summertime. Sunburn Aloe (Aloe vera), applied topically,Continue reading “Summer’s Natural/Alternative Medicine Chest”

Free to be Happy – Flower Essences Ease the Mind and Rejuvenate the Spirit

Homeopathy is a wellness practice based on the idea that like cures like. For example, if you were experiencing symptoms of a sinus infection, you would take a remedy that contains traces of a particular substance that, when taken at full strength, mimics your symptoms. However, the remedy is so diluted it will simply signalContinue reading “Free to be Happy – Flower Essences Ease the Mind and Rejuvenate the Spirit”