Our Wellness Rx For You!!

Wellness includes feelings of self-worth and a belief that change is possible. Let’s see how you are feeling about your life today. Please click the following link and take the short quiz to find out http://www.positivityratio.com/single.php As we embark on our Wellness Journey this year, let us do so with a renewed vigor, passion andContinue reading “Our Wellness Rx For You!!”

Spa Parties – Indulge in Well-being

Instead of hosting a get-together where guests are checking their watches, throw one that will have them begging to stay. One surefire way to spoil them is with a spa party. Imagine inviting 10 to 15 of your closest friends to experience a luxurious day of pampering at a day spa, or even having themContinue reading “Spa Parties – Indulge in Well-being”

More Than A Luxury – The Lifelong Value of Massage Therapy

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding massage therapy is if it’s worth the expense? Massage is not just a simple back rub, nor is it just a “luxury” or occasional “treat.” Research tells us that massage therapy is a valuable component of a well-rounded healthcare regimen, combating everything from chronic pain to theContinue reading “More Than A Luxury – The Lifelong Value of Massage Therapy”

Fountain of Youth – Increasingly Popular Facial Massage Provides Anti-aging Effects

As a sinus/allergy sufferer, the cherry-on-top moment during my massage always comes when the therapist begins working my face. Tension dissipates quietly and without fuss from my unknowingly tight jowls. There is great sinus relief and passage opening in even the most gentle of strokes across my cheekbones. If I happen to be visiting aContinue reading “Fountain of Youth – Increasingly Popular Facial Massage Provides Anti-aging Effects”

The Breath Within the Stone – Understanding the Healing Power of Rock, Part II

Textural Distinction Some stones have a slightly more velvet surface with some non-abrasive edges, while others are silky smooth and perfectly round. It’s like the distinction between velvet and silk. The textured, velvet surfaces are perfect for deep massage as they grip the connective tissue. Their high skin-gripping factor means they don’t slip off theContinue reading “The Breath Within the Stone – Understanding the Healing Power of Rock, Part II”

The Breath Within the Stone – Understanding the Healing Power of Rock, Part II

Textural Distinction Some stones have a slightly more velvet surface with some non-abrasive edges, while others are silky smooth and perfectly round. It’s like the distinction between velvet and silk. The textured, velvet surfaces are perfect for deep massage as they grip the connective tissue. Their high skin-gripping factor means they don’t slip off theContinue reading “The Breath Within the Stone – Understanding the Healing Power of Rock, Part II”

Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork

These are uncertain and unsettling times. It’s not just what is played out in the theater of world politics but the very nature of modern life with its ever-present shadow of uncertainty and threat that has produced a continuous low-grade “fight-or-flight” anxiety as the basal pulse of our normal human condition. Psychologist Miriam Greenspan describesContinue reading “Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork”

Mother Nature vs. Man-Made – Which Approach is More Effective for Treating Skin?

As the natural products industry expands, more and more skin care products derived from natural or organic sources are being incorporated into professional regimens. While some swear by the less-aggressive treatments offered by such products, others voice concerns about their overall effectiveness. The simplicity of the natural approach is certainly less likely to cause sideContinue reading “Mother Nature vs. Man-Made – Which Approach is More Effective for Treating Skin?”

Slowing Down – Patience a Trait That Pays Off

There are two things that are most likely to make people struggle with patience. The first is our genetic makeup. Some of us come from a gene pool that has a lot of calm, cool, and collected in it. Patience comes more naturally. Others of us come from a gene pool that has a lotContinue reading “Slowing Down – Patience a Trait That Pays Off”


The watery, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and sneezing that come with seasonal pollen allergies, or hay fever, affect an estimated 40 to 50 million Americans. While antihistamines, decongestants, and steroids are the conventional treatments for symptoms, they can also have side effects, including drowsiness, and heart palpitations and arrhythmias. However, natural remedies existContinue reading “NATURAL REMEDIES EASE ALLERGIES”