Our Wellness Rx For You!!

Wellness includes feelings of self-worth and a belief that change is possible. Let’s see how you are feeling about your life today. Please click the following link and take the short quiz to find out http://www.positivityratio.com/single.php As we embark on our Wellness Journey this year, let us do so with a renewed vigor, passion andContinue reading “Our Wellness Rx For You!!”

Living Anxiety-Free – How to Keep Your Nerves in Tact

“When you suffer an attack of nerves you’re being attacked by the nervous system. What chance has a man got against a system?” —Russell Hoban Many of us stress about our jobs, our families, the traffic, bills, etc. However, worries are easily diminished with a hot bath, a warm meal and some relaxation time. ButContinue reading “Living Anxiety-Free – How to Keep Your Nerves in Tact”

The Music of Life – BioSonic Repatterning Creates Resonance in the Body

“Everything is vibrational in nature. When you’re aware of your own inner vibrations, able to witness life around you as a concert of sound, to discover that you are in fact sound, then the division between internal and external becomes non-existent.” –Dr. John Beaulieu A shaman once told me, “The key to the door ofContinue reading “The Music of Life – BioSonic Repatterning Creates Resonance in the Body”

Personal Space – Science supports your need for it

You’ve met the type. They take a step toward you in conversation and you take a step back. They advance in your direction and you inch away. The dance continues until you remember a sudden appointment and run for the door, wondering if you are developing claustrophobia. The answer lies in something social scientists callContinue reading “Personal Space – Science supports your need for it”

Bodywork and Emotional Release

It started as a typical visit. Jennifer was seeking help for chronic low back and hip pain and over the course of several bodywork sessions, we worked to clear areas of tightness throughout her legs, hips, and lower back. But on this day, as I gently freed the side of her hip, her facial expressionContinue reading “Bodywork and Emotional Release”

Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork

These are uncertain and unsettling times. It’s not just what is played out in the theater of world politics but the very nature of modern life with its ever-present shadow of uncertainty and threat that has produced a continuous low-grade “fight-or-flight” anxiety as the basal pulse of our normal human condition. Psychologist Miriam Greenspan describesContinue reading “Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork”

Posture and Breath – A Holistic View

As the holistic paradigm joins the mainstream, most of us are increasingly aware that   everything is connected to everything else. Within this vision we acknowledge correspondence between body and mind, but most of us haven’t yet regarded our posture through a holistic mirror. The usual idea of good posture is an ideal positioning of theContinue reading “Posture and Breath – A Holistic View”

The Body-Mind Connection: Part One

Heal the mind, heal the body. Heal the body, heal the mind.  We have all heard of the mind-body connection and how our thoughts affect the health of our body. It is true that our thoughts and beliefs are extremely powerful and can affect our body in many ways. But the reverse is also true:Continue reading “The Body-Mind Connection: Part One”

Living Anxiety-Free – How to Keep Your Nerves in Tact

“When you suffer an attack of nerves you’re being attacked by the nervous system. What chance has a man got against a system?” —Russell Hoban Many of us stress about our jobs, our families, the traffic, bills, etc. However, worries are easily diminished with a hot bath, a warm meal and some relaxation time. ButContinue reading “Living Anxiety-Free – How to Keep Your Nerves in Tact”

Creating Spirit Through Structure and Energy – Is It Part of Our Future?

Looking at the evolution of modern massage therapy over the last 40 years shows both an   exponential growth and subsequent factioning of modalities within the larger parent field. We need only look at the internally divided camps of certain bodywork genres (i.e., Rolfing and reiki to name but a few) to see a micro-cosmic representationContinue reading “Creating Spirit Through Structure and Energy – Is It Part of Our Future?”