Loomis Digestive Health/Enzyme Nutrition

Enzyme nutrition is the art and science of using nutrition to maintain homeostasis and health in the body. It works with the body’s innate intelligence to bring the body to optimal health using whole foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, rather than trying to manipulate it by using chemical compounds thatContinue reading “Loomis Digestive Health/Enzyme Nutrition”

The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research

True or false: massage after exercise assists in the removal of lactic acid. Answer: false. The research overwhelming refutes this commonly held and frequently exclaimed belief. The lactic acid debate has raged for a century, and for the past two decades the research consistently demonstrates that blood lactate will return to normal within 20-60 minutesContinue reading “The Lactic Acid Debate – somatic research”

The Visible Effects of Stress – Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind

Eons ago, back when evading predators and foraging for food were humankind’s main activities, stress was essential to survival. The body’s fight-or-flight response to stress in the face of danger set off a chain reaction of physiological changes, priming the body for action and increasing the likelihood of escaping physical harm. These days stress isContinue reading “The Visible Effects of Stress – Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind”

Energy Work – Energy Healing

Energy healing is often discussed as a new, somewhat unexplainable therapy. Truth is, energy work is an effective bodywork that is as ancient as healing itself. The body is, after all, bioenergetic and seeks to maintain balance. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, called the body’s natural capacity to heal itself vis medicatrix naturae —Continue reading “Energy Work – Energy Healing”

Dimensions of Holistic Massage – Beyond the Nuts and Bolts of Swedish, Part II

Before The Massage Remember that the session really begins at the moment the client walks through the door, at the first contact with you and your environment. Do you welcome the client warmly? Do you call him by name as he enters your space? Are you glad to see him? Does the client experience yourContinue reading “Dimensions of Holistic Massage – Beyond the Nuts and Bolts of Swedish, Part II”

Bodywork and Emotional Release

It started as a typical visit. Jennifer was seeking help for chronic low back and hip pain and over the course of several bodywork sessions, we worked to clear areas of tightness throughout her legs, hips, and lower back. But on this day, as I gently freed the side of her hip, her facial expressionContinue reading “Bodywork and Emotional Release”

Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork

These are uncertain and unsettling times. It’s not just what is played out in the theater of world politics but the very nature of modern life with its ever-present shadow of uncertainty and threat that has produced a continuous low-grade “fight-or-flight” anxiety as the basal pulse of our normal human condition. Psychologist Miriam Greenspan describesContinue reading “Living in Difficult Times – Sanctuary in Bodywork”

The Body-Mind Connection: Part One

Heal the mind, heal the body. Heal the body, heal the mind.  We have all heard of the mind-body connection and how our thoughts affect the health of our body. It is true that our thoughts and beliefs are extremely powerful and can affect our body in many ways. But the reverse is also true:Continue reading “The Body-Mind Connection: Part One”

What am I Feeling? The Healing Benefits of Massage

Touch. We come into this world being touched, and we hopefully can leave being touched. Whatever our experiences in this life, touch is usually involved in some form. Each time we are touched, the emotions related to that touch are stored in our mind and in our body’s tissues. We not only store the emotionsContinue reading “What am I Feeling? The Healing Benefits of Massage”

Creating Spirit Through Structure and Energy – Is It Part of Our Future?

Looking at the evolution of modern massage therapy over the last 40 years shows both an   exponential growth and subsequent factioning of modalities within the larger parent field. We need only look at the internally divided camps of certain bodywork genres (i.e., Rolfing and reiki to name but a few) to see a micro-cosmic representationContinue reading “Creating Spirit Through Structure and Energy – Is It Part of Our Future?”