Lose Weight with a Good Night’s Sleep – Ten Tips for Sweet Slumber

From premature aging to a compromised immune system, the side-effects of sleepless nights can add up, according to Barbara Harris, editor-in-chief of Shape magazine and author of Shape Your Life: 4 Weeks To A Better Body — And A Better Life! (Hay House, 2002). During her more than 15 years at the helm of ShapeContinue reading “Lose Weight with a Good Night’s Sleep – Ten Tips for Sweet Slumber”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

The joy that this question often brings is generated from the limitless imagination that we all possess as kids. Rather than question whether our dreams are realistic or not, we allow our dreams to soar and our fantasies to come alive with excitement. So what happens when we grow older? Where do all our dreamsContinue reading ““What do you want to be when you grow up?””