Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Life Span–Chasing the Pain Away

Arthritis is an insidious disease, eating its way into the joints of nearly 70 million Americans, or nearly one out of every three U.S. adults. It is considered one of our most prevalent chronic health problems, costing the economy more than $124 billion in healthcare and lost wages each year.1 One of the more unnervingContinue reading “Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Life Span–Chasing the Pain Away”

Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Chasing the Pain Away

Arthritis is an insidious disease, eating its way into the joints of nearly 70 million Americans, or nearly one out of every three U.S. adults. It is considered one of our most prevalent chronic health problems, costing the economy more than $124 billion in healthcare and lost wages each year.1 One of the more unnervingContinue reading “Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Chasing the Pain Away”

Age is a State of Mind – Baby Boomers Combat Aging with Bodywork

Massage therapy can play an important role in aging well and remaining youthful and healthy. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, preventing disease and injury is critical to reducing the expected growth of health-care costs headed our way, as more than 70 million U.S. baby boomers cross the 60-year-old threshold. Moreover,Continue reading “Age is a State of Mind – Baby Boomers Combat Aging with Bodywork”

Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Chasing the Pain Away

Arthritis is an insidious disease, eating its way into the joints of nearly 70 million Americans, or nearly one out of every three U.S. adults. It is considered one of our most prevalent chronic health problems, costing the economy more than $124 billion in healthcare and lost wages each year.1 One of the more unnervingContinue reading “Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Chasing the Pain Away”