Massage, Science, and Your Health – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil

Noted physician Andrew Weil, MD, author of Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine that Can Transform Our Future (Hudson Street Press, 2009) and a longtime proponent of integrative medicine, had a chance to sit down with Body Sense magazine to discuss the science behind massage and other effective complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)Continue reading “Massage, Science, and Your Health – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil”

Tea Leaves – Flowing with the Seasons Reflects Wisdom

Farmers–who plant, nurture, and harvest crops, then allow the ground to lie fallow for a period of rest–know well the significance of the seasons. Practitioners of the principles of Chinese medicine also honor the seasons, understanding that a healthy life is one that follows the seasonal cycle of nature. As we learn about the ebbContinue reading “Tea Leaves – Flowing with the Seasons Reflects Wisdom”

The Roots of Disharmony – Part 2 – Emotional & Lifestyle Factors

Emotions, of themselves, are not a problem. Everyone experiences a range of emotional feeling throughout their lives: Sadness, anger, joy, worry and so forth. They are a natural part of our embodied experience and a normal response to our environment. They are neither positive nor negative. They only become problematic when they are notably intenseContinue reading “The Roots of Disharmony – Part 2 – Emotional & Lifestyle Factors”

The Roots of Disharmony – Part 1 – The Six Excesses

The point of healing is to re-establish, and to help maintain, harmony. Balance, after all, is the normative state. According to Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM), the natural condition is the intricate and graceful dance whereby Yin and Yang, Blood and Qi, and the organs and the channels complement, support and counterbalance one another. It isContinue reading “The Roots of Disharmony – Part 1 – The Six Excesses”

Water Wealth – Baths for Detox and Skin Health

Skin is an amazingly complex organ and, by weight, the largest of the body. It covers some 22 square feet and weighs around 9 pounds (roughly 7 percent of body weight).1 Its integumentary system provides the front line of defense for the body, as well as being expressive of physiological conditions and emotional states. SkinContinue reading “Water Wealth – Baths for Detox and Skin Health”

The Ancient Art of Achieving Balance

When you think about protection, what do you think? Car insurance, health insurance, home insurance? Being physically strong and well-trained? Regular check-ups, vitamins, herbal preparations? In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and qigong meditation, the focus is on the balance of qi (chi) or vital energy — not just our own personal energy, but also theContinue reading “The Ancient Art of Achieving Balance”

Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Life Span–Chasing the Pain Away

Arthritis is an insidious disease, eating its way into the joints of nearly 70 million Americans, or nearly one out of every three U.S. adults. It is considered one of our most prevalent chronic health problems, costing the economy more than $124 billion in healthcare and lost wages each year.1 One of the more unnervingContinue reading “Seeking Alternatives for Arthritis Sufferers – Life Span–Chasing the Pain Away”

Massage, Science, and Your Health – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil

Noted physician Andrew Weil, MD, author of Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine that Can Transform Our Future (Hudson Street Press, 2009) and a longtime proponent of integrative medicine, had a chance to sit down with Body Sense magazine to discuss the science behind massage and other effective complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)Continue reading “Massage, Science, and Your Health – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil”

Guided Imagery and Massage – Guided Imagery Finds Its Way Into the Spa

For massage therapists, there is no mistaking the connection between body and mind. It’s evident in each day’s work–from the client who has an emotional release in the middle of a session, to the client who recalls vivid memories as you work his scar tissue from an old injury. Massage therapists know well that theContinue reading “Guided Imagery and Massage – Guided Imagery Finds Its Way Into the Spa”

The Mind-Body Spa Experience

The Hands-of-Faith Holistic Healing Center is a Wellness Center, but we wanted to share with you that major spas are desirous of incorporating many of the healing modalities, that we offer, into their menu of services. While the U.S. spa industry has consistently struggled with the definition of “spa,” the   market continues to expand, explore,Continue reading “The Mind-Body Spa Experience”